Impact Factor Journals 2023-24

1 Silsiletu’l-Lisan ve el-Arabiyyetu Beyne Yedeyk Arapça Öğretim Setlerinde Tâbi`lerin Öğretiminin İncelenmesi, İsmail Aldemir
In the article, the teaching of the successions whose mother tongue is not Arabic in Arabic grammar is examined. The effects of these grammatical rules on four language skills of Arabic language including reading, writing, listening and speaking were investigated. Silsiletu’l-lisan and al-Arabiyyetu beyne yedeyk language teaching sets prepared to teach Arabic language to non-native Arabic speakers were taken as an example. By comparing the teaching methods of the two sets of Tâbi’is, it has been concluded that they provide useful contributions in language teaching to those whose mother tongue is not Arabic. It has been determined that these two sources, despite some deficiencies, provide sufficient information in the teaching of subjects whose mother tongue is non-Arabic, consisting of adjectives, tawkid, badal, atf-ı bayan and atf-ı nesak. In the conclusion part of the article, solutions for these missing aspects are presented.
2 XVI. Yüzyıla Ait İki Memlûk Cildinin Tezyînî Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi,
The XVI. century heralded the end of the Mamluks, one of the greatest Islamic states of the Middle Ages. Qansuh Ghawri, who ascended to the throne in 1501 after short reigns, is mentioned as the last great sultan of the Mamluks. The Sultan, who pursued a harsh policy to restore internal stability, also had to deal with external enemies. Despite all the financial difficulties, Sultan Qansuh Ghawri, like other Mamluk sultans, did not refrain from building works that would reflect the splendor of his reign. The Qansuh Ghawri Complex he built in Cairo is a magnificent work that will keep his name alive. Sultan Qansuh Ghawri, like other Mamluk sultans, had beautiful manuscripts prepared for his treasury. These precious works, prepared by the famous calligraphers of the period, were illuminated with the same care and bound with the same care. However, not only the sultans but also the emirs in the Mamluk state had very valuable manuscripts prepared for themselves in order to symbolize their wealth and power. Tomanbay, the last Mamluk sultan, is just one of the emirs who had manuscripts prepared for his treasury while he was still a regent. The first of the works to be used in this study was prepared for the treasury of Sultan Qansuh Ghawri and the second for the treasury of Tomanbay. These two works are currently registered in the Hagia Sophia Collection of the Suleymaniye Library. These two bindings from the early 16th century are bound in different shades of brown leather. Both of them have a miklep, and the front and back covers are decorated in the same character. These examples presented in our article are analyzed in terms of their motifs and compositional characteristics, and their place in Mamluk bookbinding art is evaluated. As a result of the data obtained, it has been determined that the binding of the work prepared for Tomanbay also shows the characteristics of the Sultan Kansu Gavri period.
3 XVII. Yüzyılın Ortalarına Kadar Belh’in Topoğrafyası / The Topography of Balkh Down to the Middle of the Seventeenth Century, Mesut Can
4 Kur’an Tefsirinde İsrâîliyyât Kullanımına Dair Modern Arapça Çalışmalara Bir Bakış / A Review of Contemporary Arabic Scholarship on the Use of Isrāʾ īliyyāt for Interpreting the Qur’an , Nevfel Akyar
5 Şer‘iyye Mahkemeleri Araştırmalarında Değişen Bakış Açıları: Metodolojiler ve Paradigmalar Theme Issue: Shifting Perspectives in the Study of Shariʿa Courts: Methodologies and Paradigms, Iris Agmon - Ido Shahar / Rıfat Atay - Hilal Atılgan Moğol
: Biz bu makalede iki genel soruyu inceleyerek, bu sayı konusunu içeren makaleleri alanın daha geniş bağlamına yerleştirmeyi hedefliyoruz: İlk olarak, neden şer‘iyye mahkemeleri ve onunla ilgili sosyo-hukuk alan 1990’lara kadar ilmî açıdan az ilgi görmüştür? İkincisi, bu durum neden son on yılda değişmiştir? Yakın zamana kadar İslam hukuk tarihi, sosyal tarih ve hukuk antropolojisi çalışan pek çok araştırmacı mahkemelerle ve onların hukuki uygulamalarıyla nadiren ilgilenmişlerdir. Biz bu ihmalin, bu üç alt disiplini şekillendiren ve onların arasında ve içlerinde bir iş bölümü oluşturan akademik geleneklerden kaynaklandığını iddia ediyoruz. İlaveten, son zamanlarda her üç alt disiplinin şer‘iyye mahkemelerine olan ilgi artışının, her alanın içindeki öz eleştirinin ve beşeri ve sosyal bilimlerdeki geniş metodolojik ve epistemolojik değişimlerin bir sonucu olduğunu iddia ediyoruz.
6 Örgün Eğitimde Hafızlık Sağlama, Mustafa Başkonak / Refreshing the Memorized Qur’an in Formal Education, Osman İşlek
The learning process of memorizing the Holy Qur’an, which contains the commands and prohibitions of Allah (swt) and was communicated to us through the Prophet (s.a.w.), is called “hafizah”. Hafizah is of great importance in the Islamic world because it helps people to get closer to Allah and to strengthen them spiritually. In this study, the work titled “Refreshing the Memorized Qur’an in Formal Education”, which deals with the importance of the process of refreshing the hafizah, was analyzed. The work, written by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Başkonak, deals with the issue of “How the students who continue their education in Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools implementing the Hafizah Program / project are evaluated in terms of students, parents and educators”, which is carried out as a joint project by the Ministry of National Education and the Presidency of Religious Affairs. This work explores the process of “confirming” Hafiz status from the perspective of students’ place of memorization, family circumstances, individual characteristics, and school environment. It aims to contribute academically to the field of Hafiz education and reinforcement processes by providing answers to identified primary and sub-problems.
7 İslam Tarihi ve Medeniyetinde Merv Şerhi, Mesut Can /Merv in Islamic History and Civilization, Mesut Can, Sümeyye Alparslan
The work titled Merv in Islamic History and Civilization, which was completed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mesut Can and published in 2017, is a valuable work that has made a great contribution to the city history studies in our country. Merv, which has hosted many important events in terms of Islamic history, is discussed in this study with its historical, administrative, geographical, socio-cultural, economic and scientific aspects, and the development of the city throughout history is tried to be shown

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