Impact Factor Journals 2023-24

Submitted manuscript should contain original work which has neither been published previously, nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Abstract Guidelines: While outlining the abstract the following should be adhered to: Purpose/Aim, Approach/Methodology, Findings, Limitations, Significance, and Originality. An abstract must not be more than 250 words in length.

Article Length: The word limit of the article is expected to be within 3000 to 6000 words including the entire paper encompassing appendices, attachments and annexures (without the references). Editorial board may consider an article, if it is shorter than 3000 words or more than 6000 words, depending on the significance of the research work.

Article Title: The title must be as short as possible.

Keywords: Maximum 5 (five) relevant words.

Headings: Headings must be precise, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchies of headings. The preferred format is: first level headings to be presented in bold format and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in italic.

Front Page: It should contain: Title of the paper, Author’s name(s), Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, research area, and Paper Type.

Text Pages: The body of the paper includes text, references, endnotes, tables, figure captions, figures etc.

Language: The language of an article must be in English.

Typing/Printing: Author must use Microsoft Word while submitting the paper to IJLHSS in order to publish an article in this international journal and Font should be in Times New Roman and size 12. Lines are to be justified at both left and right margins. Page Margins should be one inch (1”) from all sides. Paper Size is to be in A4 size. Single line spacing must be used. All Pages need to be numbered at the bottom right of the page.

Figures: All figures (including graphs, drawings, and photos) should have titles with chronological numbers, appropriate captions should be placed below the figures.

Tables: All tables should be titled and numbered sequentially. Source(s) or note(s) are to be placed immediately below the table. Single-spaces should be maintained throughout the lines of the table.

Footnotes: In general, the use of footnotes is to be avoided. If, however, there is critical supporting text that does not fit into main text flow, a few appropriate footnotes may be used. Footnotes must not be used to cite references.

Notes/Endnotes: Notes or Endnotes should be used only, if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets which is preferred and listed at the end of the article.

References: APA referencing style is encouraged to be followed. Only those references to be cited which are mentioned in the text. The author may also mention the web links if applicable.

AcknowledgementAuthor may include an acknowledgement (if necessary) after the Conclusion.

Copy Right Declaration: Author has to submit a copyright declaration form (including name(s) of Author(s), designation & signature on a separate sheet of paper) to the Editor-in-chief after acceptance of the paper. [Please click here to find a copyright declaration form]

Publication Charge: While the paper has been accepted for publication, an author must submit the receipt or copy of the publication charge along with the copyright declaration form.

Submission: The soft-copy of the article (Microsoft Word Document) should be submitted to: [please click here to find a paper template]

Review Process: In blind peer review process, author may be notified about the status of the paper within two weeks period after submission of the paper to publish article in international journal.

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